V Mohammed Ibrahim

Engineer . Robotics



Actively looking for work!

An engineer passionate about robotics and its applications to space exploration. Specific areas of interest are the application of robotics for in-space autonomous manufacturing and construction.

At the moment I am having fun working on a re-implementation of MoveIt Servo, as part of Google Summer of Code 2023 with MoveIt.

I have worked with fast paced multi-diciplinary teams to develop robotic manipulators for various HMI panel testing rquirements for organizations like BOSCH. Recent works involved development of controllers, simulation stack and simulation assets for developing control strategies for a quadrupedal robot.

I enjoy working on robotics across the stack, while I understand and have worked with hardware, most of my work in the past couple of years has been software focused. Frequent enocunters with simulators have led me to develop an interest in simulations and hence that is another area I am intrested in exploring, specifically high-fidility simulations of space environments and their effects on mechanisms.

When I am not working, I enjoy reading or motorcycle rides to the mountains.